


“I am extremely grateful for this program and the knowledge that I have gained, because I have the confidence that I will be able to work with other professions in order to deliver the best care possible.” 

~ Kendi Smith, 2019-2021 AHEC365滚球官网,营养学学生

Are you a health professions student looking to set yourself apart? Do you want to make a difference in rural and underserved communities?


AHEC365滚球官网 program brings together students from multiple health disciplines, emphasizing a team-based approach to addressing health disparities.



  • Engage with a cohort of peers from multiple health professions fields.
  • 补充你当前学术课程的活动.
  • 获得全国认可的 HRSA 认可证书.
  • 钱! 获得1000美元的津贴 为了你两年的承诺.





To be eligible for the AHEC365滚球官网 program in North Idaho, you must:

  • Be a health professions student enrolled in an approved program (see "批准的规程")
  • Be in good academic standing in your program (if you are applying after your first semester)
  • Be two years from program or degree completion (exception: medical students may apply in year one of their MD or DO program)
  • 承诺为期两年的AHEC365滚球官网活动议程
  • Intend to enter directly into the health professions workforce when you graduate*
  • Be a citizen of the United States or a foreign national having in your possession a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States
  • Agree to be contacted with a survey one year after graduation from your degree program

*Pre-health programs that do not lead directly to a practicing health profession upon graduation and lab-based programs are not eligible.

的 following courses of study are HRSA approved for the AHEC365滚球官网 program in Idaho:

  • 运动训练(理科)
  • 临床心理学
  • 营养学/营养(女士)
  • 医学(MD /做)
  • 护士 
  • 药房(PharmD)
  • 医师助理
  • 注册护士(注册护士)
  • 社会工作(城市生活、城市生活)

**Updated December 2023 to reflect current eligibility standards from the 健康 资源 and 服务 Administration**


  • Attend an in-person kick-off celebration in Fall 2023 (likely mid-November)
  • Attend a virtual orientation to WWAMI AHEC365滚球官网 in Fall 2023 (likely early November)
  • 参加8节课(1).5小时. each) on topics relevant to rural and underserved communities. 课程将在晚上通过Zoom提供. 会议将于2024年1月开始.
  • 完成20小时的自定进度教学学习. 将提供一个选项菜单. 
  • Complete 40 hours of community/experiential/clinical learning – your academic program’s clinical hours may apply if the setting is interprofessional and rural and/or underserved.

  • 参加6-8节课(1).5小时. 讨论与跨专业团队动态相关的主题. Year two class sessions will occur Fall 2024 (Sept - Nov) via Zoom.
  • 完成20小时的自定进度教学学习. 
  • Complete 40 hours of community/experiential/clinical learning – again, your academic program’s clinical hours may apply if the setting is rural and/or underserved.
  • Attend an in-person celebration at conclusion of year two classes.
  • 收到一个 国家认可,HRSA认可的证书 完成所有课程要求后. 


跨专业教育配套协调, patient-centered model of health care that involves an understanding of the contributions of multiple health professionals.

Behavioral health integration promotes the development of integrated primary and behavioral health services to better address the needs of individuals with mental health and substances abuse conditions.

Social determinants of health includes five key areas (determinants): economic stability, 教育, 社会和社区背景, 健康和保健, neighborhoods and built environments – and their impact on health.

Cultural competency seeks to improve individual health and build healthy communities by training health care providers to recognize and address the unique culture, language and health literacy of diverse consumers and communities.

Practice transformation aims to support quality improvement and patient-centered care through goal-setting, 领导, 便利化, 工作流程改进, 测量结果, adapting organizational tools and processes to support team-based models of care delivery.

当前和新出现的健康问题 supports an understanding of and appropriate response to issues that affect specific geographic or demographic populations. Examples include Zika virus, opioid abuse, geographically relevant health issues.

Connecting communities and supporting health professionals aims to increase training and development of CHWs and paraprofessionals to be the connectors who are able to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health professionals and the community to facilitate access to service and improve health equity, community/population health and social determinants of health.

Virtual learning and telehealth seeks to improve virtual learning and telehealth curricula and community-based experiential training. COVID-19大流行迫使所有卫生保健系统, hospitals and clinics to rapidly implement telehealth services, simulation-based technology and virtual trainings to continue delivering patient care.



电子邮件: nidahec@ydspd.com

网络: movies.ydspd.com/ahec