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Specialist Panel

ECHO爱达荷州的K12行为健康专家小组包括一名学校护士, psychologists, behavioral specialists, counselors, administrators, and pediatric clinicians.

Katie Azevedo, EdD

Dr. Azevedo has worked in Idaho education for over 20 years, holding a variety of positions including classroom teacher, instructional coach, professional development facilitator, research assistant, adjunct professor, and state-level director. In 2020, Katie launched Azevedo Consulting, 专门从事国家心理健康和积极行为策略, state, and local education agencies and mental health providers.

Katie Azevedo, EdD


Katie Azevedo

Greg Bailey, PhD

Dr. Bailey has been an educator for 38 years, 31 of which have been in various K-12 administrative positions. 他最近的任务是担任莫斯科学区的总监, a position he held for the past 10 years. Dr. 贝利在365滚球官网获得教育学学士学位, master’s degree from University of Nevada-Reno, education specialist degree from University of Idaho, and PhD from Northwest Nazarene University, all within the area of Educational Leadership.

Greg Bailey, PhD

Retired Superintendent of Moscow School District

Greg Bailey

Gretchen Gudmundsen, PhD

Dr. Gudmundsen监督St. Luke’s Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programs. She provides psychological evaluation, treatment, 为患有精神疾病的儿童和青少年的诊断和干预计划提供咨询. She co-chairs the St. Luke的自杀预防协作组他是华盛顿大学医学院的临床助理教授.

Gretchen Gudmundsen, Ph.D.

Child Clinical Psychologist at St. Luke’s Children’s Center

Gretchen Gudmundsen

Joy Harris, MSN, RN

乔伊是一名19年的注册护士,在各个领域工作, with the last 10 as a school nurse. 除了在高中担任学校护士之外, 她教授双学分护理助理和医学术语课程. 她目前担任爱达荷州学校护士组织的秘书. Outside of nursing, 乔伊和她的家人一起度过她的空闲时间,她的家人喜欢许多不同的户外活动.

Joy Harris, MSN, RN


Joy Harris

Aimee Hurst,  LPC, EdS 

艾米目前在爱达荷州南部的一所小学担任辅导员. 在过去的15年里,她一直与小学公共教育的学生们一起工作, junior high, and high school. 她积极参与社区和各种关注学生心理健康的州和地方协会. 她拥有咨询硕士学位,目前正在攻读建筑管理硕士学位.

Aimee Hurst, LPC, EdS


Aimee Hurst

Joy Jansen, PhD

For over 25 years, Dr. Jansen在服务有特殊需要的个人领域工作,从小学到高等教育. Currently, Dr. Jansen is the Director of Special Education, Elementary School Counseling, 以及沙波因特彭德奥瑞尔湖学区的护理工作. D. Jansen还曾担任爱达荷州北部两所治疗寄宿学校的特殊教育和学习中心主任.

Joy Jansen, PhD

Director of Special Services, Lake Pend Oreille School District

Joy Jansen

KC Knudson, DO, MBA

Dr. Knudson is a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist who was born in Idaho. Following completion of his undergraduate education, Dr. Knudson搬回了东部,在田纳西州完成了医学院的学业,然后在佛罗里达大学完成了住院医生和奖学金. Dr. Knudson is currently treating youth at St. 卢克儿童自闭症和神经发育障碍中心,位于爱达荷州默里迪恩. 他在照顾病人的各个生命阶段和发展方面有丰富的经验.

KC Knudson, DO, MBA


KC Knudson

Shelley McCarney, MS

Shelley was born and raised in southwest Wyoming. 她就读于怀俄明大学,在那里她获得了心理健康咨询硕士学位. 她于2013年搬到爱达荷州福尔斯市,担任小学辅导员,拥有超过15年的服务不足青少年工作经验. 谢莉担任她所在地区的初级危机小组组长. Additionally, 她是一名经过认证的创伤和恢复力培训师,为爱达荷州东南部的学校和当地机构提供培训.

Shelley McCarney, MS

School Counselor at Idaho Falls School District 91

Shelley McCarney

Diana Morgan, MA, BCBA

戴安娜是爱达荷州SESTA(特殊教育支持和技术援助)的协调员. 她完成了心理学硕士学位,主修应用行为分析,并于2014年成为董事会认证的行为分析师. Diana has worked in the field of behavior analysis since 2002, 在非公共机构和学区提供早期强化行为治疗(EIBT), behavioral consultation, coaching, and support based on behavioral science and tiered systems.

Diana Morgan, MA, BCBA

SESTA Coordinator at Idaho SESTA & 365滚球官网残疾与人类发展中心

Diana Morgan

Noreen Womack, MD

Dr. Womack worked in the St. Luke’s Children’s Mobile Care Clinic. Dr. 沃马克毕业于德克萨斯大学医学中心医学院,并在杜克大学医学中心完成了儿科住院医师实习期. 二十多年来,她一直担任美国儿科学会爱达荷分会的幼儿冠军, 并自愿担任第四司法区的诉讼监护人.

Noreen Womack, MD

Pediatrician, St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital

Noreen Womack

Dennis Woody, PhD

Dr. 自2013年Optum在爱达荷州开始护理管理以来,他一直担任临床总监,目前担任Optum Idaho的高级临床项目顾问. Prior to joining Optum, Dr. 伍迪为青少年和患有脑损伤后遗症的儿童提供私人儿科神经心理学实践, neurobehavioral problems, learning disabilities, and neurodevelopmental issues. In tandem with his private practice, Dr. 伍迪为爱达荷州卫生和福利部门以及宝藏谷学区提供咨询.

Dennis Woody, PhD

Optum Idaho和United Health Group的儿科神经心理学家和高级临床项目顾问

Dennis Woody

Contact Project ECHO

Physical Address:

Idaho Water Center
322 E. Front Street, Ste. 450
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-4072

Fax: 208-364-3178
