

兰德尔 蒂尔

体系结构 Department Chair, Professor






莫斯科,ID 83844-2451

兰德尔·蒂尔, a Professor and Head of the 建筑项目 at the 365滚球官网, 是个作家, 老师, 画家和设计师. 兰德尔 has taught at 俄勒冈大学, 南方大学, and at 坦佩雷大学 in Finland; he is the Owner and Principal of 蒂尔 Studio which specializes in small-scale design interventions. 兰德尔’s pedagogical and research interests are in design fundamentals and architectural theory with a significant influence from Continental thought; he teaches theory courses and architectural design studios at all levels. His writing focuses primarily on the pedagogy of creative thinking and aims to understand and promote situated dialogue between critical architectural thinking and the built environment.

  • Ph.D. 体系结构, 2019, 坦佩雷大学, Tampere, Finland
  • MIARC Interior 体系结构, 2000, 俄勒冈大学
  • B.S. Psychology, 1994, 俄勒冈大学

兰德尔·蒂尔 has given lectures at 麦吉尔大学, 温特沃斯理工学院, 坦佩雷大学, 德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校, 犹他大学, 华盛顿州立大学, 蒙大拿州立大学 and Ryukoku University in Kyoto Japan; he has been an invited critic at Stockholm’s KTH Royal Insti图坦卡蒙e of Technology, 爱丁堡大学, 麦吉尔大学, 坦佩雷大学, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 温特沃斯理工学院, 德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校, 犹他大学, 俄勒冈大学, 南方大学, 华盛顿州立大学, 蒙大拿州立大学, 路易斯安那州立大学, 路易斯安那理工大学, 南佛罗里达大学, 波特兰州立大学, 卡尔加里大学, 科罗拉多大学, 以及阿肯色大学.

兰德尔 has also been: a juror for the Washington AIA Civic Design Awards; an external program evaluator for the 波特兰州立大学 建筑项目, a peer-reviewer for both the MIT Press and Routledge publishing companies; a founding member and served on the executive committee of the 建筑,文化, 与灵性论坛, a peer-reviewer for a number of conferences and journals, including a long-term relationship with the 艺术杂志 & 设计教育; a regular external-reviewer for promotion and tenure cases outside the 365滚球官网.

Internal to the 365滚球官网, 兰德尔 has been a recipient of the Presidential Mid-Career Award and was part of Provost’s Strategic Planning Committee; he served as both Chair and Vice-Chair of the 365滚球官网 教师参议院; he has been awarded several grants, including a sabbatical to study and teach in Finland; he has served as mentor/advisor/sponsor to a number of funded student initiatives.

  • 设计教学法 
  • 创造性思维
  • 非线性系统
  • 叙事结构
  • 实验的媒体
  • 表征技术


  • Possible futures for Delta Sigma Chi Fraternity. 2019年365滚球官网
  • 展望圣. 玛丽的圣. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church expansion. St. 玛丽斯,爱达荷州,2017年
  • Expansion and remodel of the  Royal Motor Inn. 莫斯科,2014年
  • Exploring possibilities for establishing a memorial and/or museum dedicated to WW 2 Pacific Theater prisoners of war. 2007年春天,华盛顿州布雷默顿

  • 蒂尔,兰德尔 & 厕所,斯蒂芬. “概念教育学”, International 艺术杂志 and 设计教育 37.2 (2018): 211-220.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “Thinking Design: Notes on Process and Pedagogy,” 借鉴 学报01 (2015):139-155.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “体系结构s of Temporal Affirmation,” 建筑研究季刊. 第18卷第3期,ISSN: 1359-1355, September 2014: pp 205 – 209.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “Design Process as a Hermeneutic Practice,” In.形式: The Journal of 体系结构, Design, and 物质文化, Volume 11: Design Process (2012): 22-37.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “An Inquiry into an 体系结构 of the Ungrounded,” 体系结构 and Ideas, (2011): 50-67. 蒂尔,兰德尔. “Foundational History: An Integrated Approach to Basic Design, History, and Theory,” JAE: The  Journal of Architectural Education 64, No. 2. (2011年3月):37-45.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “Developing a (Nonlinear) Practice of Design Thinking,” 国际艺术杂志 & 设计教育 29.3 (2010): 294-302.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “The Process of Place: A Temporal View of Sustainability in the Built Environment,” Journal of Environmental Philosophy 7:1, (Spring 2010): 63-78.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “Dismantling the Built Drawing: Working with Mood in Architectural Design,” 国际艺术杂志 & 设计教育 29.1 (2010): 8-16.
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “Encountering Significance: 体系结构, Place, and Heidegger’s Gods,” in 建筑,文化 and Spirituality: Contemporary Perspectives on the Nature of the Sacred in the Built Environment. eds. 巴里T.; Bermudez J.; Tabb P. (阿什盖特:伯灵顿,2015)
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “What 体系结构 Can Teach Us 关于 视觉传达,” 视觉传达. ed. 大卫 Machin, (De Gruyter Mouton: Berlin 2014)
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. “为心情而设计” 设计与设计. eds. 加纳年代. W.; Evans C. (伯格:伦敦2012)
  • 蒂尔,兰德尔. Preparing the Ground: Discovering the Everyday Practices of Design. (Kendall-Hunt: Dubuque, Iowa 2012). ISBN: 978-1-4652-1035-7



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