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Degrees in Computer Engineering

Our department offers undergraduate 和 graduate degrees in computer engineering.


Computer engineers design 和 use digital computers for instrumentation, 控制, communication, power conversion systems. 建立个人电脑, workstations 和 supercomputers as well as computer-based systems found in phones, 飞机, electronics, communications networks 和 many other products. Develop an underst和ing of the social ramifications of technological solutions 和 apply your engineering skills for the overall benefit of society.

Guiding Payloads Back From Space

Learn about the projects our students design, test 和 build


Buchanan Engineering Building Rm. 213

Mailing Address:

电 & Computer Engineering
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1023
莫斯科, ID 83844-1023

Phone: 208-885-6554

Fax: 208-885-7579
