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Parking Permit Frequently Asked Questions


首先,确保你使用的是网络ID,而不是VandalMail地址. 您的网络ID是您的VandalMail地址的第一部分(例如:如果您的VandalMail是, then your Network ID is joevandal).

If that doesn't work, 然后,您可能需要使用上的资源仔细查看您的帐户 OIT Account Management page. 您的大学帐户需要登录您的停车帐户. 说到登录问题,我们发现最常见的问题在于 DUO 或者帐户密码过期需要重置,您可以在 How do I reset my forgotten account password (NetID)? support page. (如果您已经登录到其他大学的门户网站,您的密码可能仍然过期).

如果问题仍然存在,您可以在正常工作时间(上午8点)致电我们的办公室.m. to 5 p.m.周一至周五,以及早上7:30.m. to 4:30 p.m.(周一至周五,课间休息期间,包括暑假). 如果您的登录问题发生在正常营业时间以外, 考虑查看我们的社交媒体,看看是否已经发布了有关可能的技术问题的更新. Find us on Facebook or Instagram.

如果您想申请退休人员许可证,请填写 Retiree Permit Application and our staff will reach out to you.

我们致力于确保所有汪达尔人都能去他们想去的地方在校园里,所有三种类型的 disability parking permits can be purchased without a visit to our office! 支持文件可以扫描/拍照并通过电子邮件发送给我们,我们将通过电话或电子邮件与您合作,以解决您的校园流动性需求.

In addition to Disability Parking Permits, we offer free Vandal Access Service 把符合条件的汪达尔人送到校园上课的任何地方, work, meetings, studying, etc. at no cost. 如果有问题、担忧、反馈和想法,请365滚球官网: or (208) 885-6424.

缺少许可选项的三个最常见原因如下. If none of these apply, just give us a call: 208-885-6424.

  • Unpaid parking citation(s)
    • 未付的停车罚单将阻止今年的许可证出现. Give us a call at 208-885-6424 or log into your VandalWeb account and go to one of the following:
      • Students ---> Student Accounts ---> Billing Statement
      • Employees ---> Employee Information ---> Employee Account Center
    • Look for an outstanding parking citation. 上面会有票号和可以支付的金额 VandalWeb or on the phone with us: 208-885-6424.
  • I’ll be living in the University or Elmwood apartments.
    • 如果你的公寓租约是在你的室友/伴侣的名下, 然后,他们需要为您的车辆在公寓内停车购买停车许可证.
  • I hope to live in an on-campus fraternity or sorority.
    • Once recruitment concludes, 兄弟会和姐妹会的工作人员将提供一份新成员名单,新成员可以购买数量有限的品红和紫色许可证,先到先得, first-served basis. 请注意,在分会房屋附近停车的许可证很受欢迎,停车位非常有限. Many students living in FSL are likely to purchase Economy parking permits. For more information, please review the Greek Life parking permit page.

No worries, just give us a call: 208-885-6424. We're here to help!

而我们的停车许可证定价与同行机构一致, if a Vandal has never paid for parking before, 年度停车许可证可能是一项意想不到的、令人生畏的购买. Here are several points to consider:

  • Full-time, 董事会指定的大学员工(员工和教职员工)可以通过工资扣除支付他们的停车许可证, spreading the cost out over several pay periods.
  • 只有在你需要的时候,才可以全天使用校园里的彩色停车场, consider a 10-day parking permit. Save money and only pay for what you need.
  • 拥有和运营一辆私人汽车是个人预算中最大的支出之一, costing on average about $6,000 a year. 放弃汽车而使用其他交通工具可能是有意义的.
  • 停车计时器和付费停车场不适合每天上课或工作. 从长远来看,试图依靠他们而不是购买年度停车许可证最终会花费更多.

No problem. There are a lot of things going on! Here are a couple things that might help you decide:

  • 大多数住在校园里的学生都不带私家车. Unless you have an off-campus job/internship, 参加一项需要开车或不能坐飞机或公共汽车回家休息的运动, 把你的车留在家里可以节省大量的钱和压力. Check out Alternative Transportation 选项和/或365滚球官网的替代运输专家
  • 如果你想先带一辆车来,看看情况如何, 我们鼓励您购买许可证,因为许多年度许可证在学年期间售罄. 如果你意识到你根本不需要它,你可以退货,以获得潜在的按比例退款. Check the proration schedule for more information on possible refunds!

住校学生的停车许可证通常在秋季学期开始前就卖光了, and the same can happen for some commuter permits. 网上购买是确保你成功购买你最想要的停车许可证的最好方法. Parking permits typically go on sale online at noon on the second Tuesday in July. Questions? Please reach out to or 208-885-6424.

Give us a call at 208-885-6424, or email and we can help.

Contact Us

Physical Address:

1006 Railroad Street
Rm 135
Moscow, ID

Office hours:
M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office hours during academic breaks:
M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-6424

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr.
MS 4106
Moscow, ID